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Showing posts from July, 2012

A crazy month.

It's been a crazy month. I got really sick and I'm so exhausted!! About two weeks ago I got this cough (which is weird, considering I don't get sick a lot and especially not cough) and it's getting worse each day. Mornings are the worst, I cough so bad, I think I woke everyone in my room. What's worse is that the "Flu" decided to come along and torture me even more! I just hate being sick you know. I have so many things to do, study, do my assignment, events and not to mention keeping up with my social life. Especially with the occasional procrastinating, I don't think I can get any work done by the time it's due. It's crazy. The only day I could get some rest was last sunday. I stayed home, drank some medicine and slept the whole day. I didn't mean "busy" like "yeah, I was busy", I meant like really busy. I just don't get it, sometimes stuffs just come at the right time together! Like for example last week, I ca