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Showing posts from June, 2011

Contact lense + eyeliner + fake lashes = Great combo

Hey guys! What have you all been up to lately? Im really sorry that I cant update my blog as often as before as i need to concentrate on my studies, but i will try my best to update it! Actually to tell you the truth the main reason why ive not been updating its because i dont want to open my laptop, lol. I know i know, lame reason right? But its not lah! See, what i mean by this is that, when i blog, i do need to open my laptop because i need to transfer my slr photos from the memory card, and then resize and adjust some of the lightings. While doing this and uploading it to the blog, it takes some time right?(because i have a lame internet! BOO!) I will then use this time to read blogs i love, surf the net, open facebook, find new interesting gadgets, watch utube videos and etc, and when its all done I've realized its almost more than 3-4 hours and is already too late at night(i mostly blog at night, thats the only spare time i have) and also lazy to blog. The thing is i love th

Never Enough

Hey People. It's been so long since I last blogged. Sorry! Hahaha.  So how have u been peeps?  Anyway since its been long since I blog, so I will just start. So on Friday I went to meet up with my high school friends. Its been like a decade since I saw them last. We all go to different universities, so its kinda hard to meet. So Patricia just went back from LA, and is going back, so we all decided to meet up at Sency, Portico. :) We catch up and had so much fun! Here are some pictures. :) Hahaha, so we went to Pancious after that to have dessert and overall the day was fun! But sad at the same time because patricia is going back to LA next monday. :( So the next day I went shopping with my sister to Taman anggrek and ends up buying a bunch of makeup stuffs from Etude, Makeup forever, ZA and Body Shop. and guess what body shop just launched a new product!  Deo Dry deodorant, and they also sells the refill! :) It has a really nice smell too. :) so here is some narci