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Showing posts from September, 2011

Poker face

My niece, @azoezhou is in town, so happy that I can spend time with her.. There will be an orientation for new students this friday, so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be all busy this week :(. How I hope time could just stop for a while. I think the Bali post will be longer than I expected, sorry. Im still in the process of editing photos. So here are some photos of what I wore last weekend to the wedding parties. Okay enough of my pictures, here's a picture of zoe trying to grab my bling-ed phone! Loll and here's what I did last sunday. Making cupcakes! And guess what, its super delicious! Yummeh!! Gonna post the recipe the next time i blog And this is what I did on my nails experimenting with fimo. Kay then see yaaa xoxo karin

Random outfits of the week + Field Trip

Hey guys since I'm so lazy to blog and to edit my Bali post like I promised, here's some random outfits of the week and what I did today! :D Just went to Media Indonesia today, a fun trip to know more about news stuffs, but the person who are in charge of us is sooo annoying. Well he's quite funny, but every time someone ask a question, he answered something that is, hmm, how should I say it, too-spokesperson-ish? I asked how much is the starting salary of being a reporter in Media Indonesia, and he answered something like, "oh if you want to make a lot of money, journalism is not the job you want, but the "salary" we get from working here is that we can tell the truth about things and support people who are wronged and bla bla bla.." Hahahaha.  and when my teacher ask who are their competitors, he go on and on about how their "laziness" is their competitor...... Okay I guess I shouldn't talk too much about it. It's jus

Indomie - J2O

HEYYY Indonesian peeps I recently found a video of a British rapper (if I'm not wrong) singing his single, Indomie (Indonesian Instant Noodle) I don't know why but I kinda feel proud, lol. For people outside Indonesia, you should definitely try Indomie. It's not that I'm promoting, but even my friends from Russia, Korea and China love it! You guys should check it out! Here's the Video! :)

No more lazy, just more work

Hey guys! I just went back from Bali last Tuesday, and all I can say is that it's so FUN! I've never been to Bali before and all of it is just so wonderful. Imagine being a tourist of your own country? Even the BULE (it's how we call western people in Indonesia) knows the way better than us. Overall it's been a wonderful holiday and if you're wondering, yes, my skin got darker but not that much. loll. Anyway the photos from Bali are in editing process, and I promise I will blog about it soon and I think I'm gonna separate it into two posts. (Imagine how many pictures I took? xP) So how are you guys coping with the fact that tomorrow is Monday and holiday is over?? hahaha. Not well huh? For me it's a nice holiday but I think I really need to get back to all the busy days again, it's just so not productive! lol. I just wanna excuse myself first for not (going to) blogging much for the next few weeks because its gonna be a hell busy week in Uni. :) So